
The South African ‘broodjie’

May 20, 2021

This South African broodjie is the South African version of a grilled cheese sandwich. This sandwich is typically served at the end of a South African barbeque. People eat this standing around a fire with a beer.


  • 2 slices of white bread
  • Butter
  • Cahill’s White Vintage Cheddar
  • Red Onion
  • Tomato
  • White Pepper
  • Mango Chutney


  1. Place two slices of white bread on a chopping board
  2. Butter both sides of the bread heavily
  3. Grate some Cahill’s Vintage cheese and sprinkle over the buttered bread
  4. Chop some red onion and tomato & place on the broodjie
  5. Shake some white pepper over the broodjie
  6. Add a dollop of mango chutney for extra flavour
  7. Encase the two slices of bread together
  8. Place on the BBQ fire pit for a few minutes until golden and crispy
  9. Serve and enjoy around the fire!

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